udah coba NbuExplorer, abc converter, & Noki tapi hasilnya ga sesuai keinginan. Noki sebenarnya punya semua yang saya butuhkan, tapi dalam trial dibatasi file yang diexport sampai 50.
Akhirnya ketemu http://mginternet.wordpress.com/2011/11/09/nbu-to-csv-2-1-update-version/
buat sebuah teks file (:buka notepad), copy lalu paste teks dibawah ini ke notepad.
'***************************************************************** ''***** Convert NBU file to CSV ******** ''***** 09 October 2012 ******** ''***** http://MGinternet.co.uk ******** ''***** ******** '***************************************************************** Dim Fso, debugmode, ContactName, lineSplit, MobileNo, HomeNo,WorkNo dim MobileNoX,MobileNoX2, HomeNoX,WorkNoX, org, Title debugmode=0 Set Fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Create user set Userlist = fso.openTextFile("file.nbu",1) Set Report = fso.OpenTextFile("Output.csv",8,1) report.writeline("Name,Mobile Phone,Home Phone,Business Phone,Company,Job Title,Car Phone") MobileNoX= "" WorkNoX= "" HomeNoX= "" refNoX = "" Org = "" Title = "" do while not Userlist.AtEndOfStream Details = Userlist.readline if debugmode =1 then msgbox(details) if left(Details,2) = "N:" or left(Details,2) = "N;" then lineSplit = split(Details,":") ' if left(Details,2) = "N;" then lineSplit = split(Details,";") if ubound(lineSplit) > 0 then contactname = linesplit(ubound(lineSplit)) else contactname = "Unknown" end if ' clear out extra ; in then name contactname = replace(contactname,";"," ") ' lineSplit = split(contactname,";") ' contactname = chr(34) & trim(LineSplit(1)) &" "& trim(LineSplit(0)) & chr(34) if debugmode = 1 then msgbox(contactname) end if If FindString((details),"CELL") Then if MobileNoX = "" then MobileNo = split(Details,":") MobileNoX = MobileNo(1) else MobileNo = split(Details,":") MobileNoX2 = MobileNo(1) end if if debugmode = 1 then msgbox(MobileNo(1)) End If If FindString((details),"HOME") Then HomeNo = split(Details,":") HomeNoX = HomeNo(1) if debugmode = 1 then msgbox(HomeNo(1)) End If If FindString((details),"WORK") Then WorkNo = split(Details,":") WorkNoX = WorkNo(1) if debugmode = 1 then msgbox(WorkNo(1)) End If If FindString((details),"PREF") Then if (FindString((details),"HOME")) = False and _ (FindString((details),"CELL")) = False and _ (FindString((details),"WORK")) = False Then WorkNo = split(Details,":") WorkNoX = WorkNo(1) if debugmode = 1 then msgbox(contactname & " on the number " & WorkNo(1)) End If end if if left(Details,3) = "ORG" then SplitLine=(split(details,":")) org = Replace(SplitLine(1), ";","") end if if left(Details,3) = "TIT" then SplitLine=(split(details,":")) Title = Replace(SplitLine(1), ";","") end if if left(Details,3) = "END" then if debugmode = 1 then msgbox("Do End Write") report.writeline(contactname & "," & MobileNoX & "," & HomeNoX & "," & WorkNoX & "," & Org & "," & title & "," & MobileNoX2) if debugmode = 2 then msgbox(contactname & "," & MobileNoX & "," & HomeNoX & "," & WorkNoX & "," & Org & "," & title) MobileNoX= "" MobileNoX2= "" WorkNoX= "" HomeNoX= "" refNoX = "" Org = "" Title = "" End if loop Msgbox("Done") Function FindString(strCheck,strFind) intPos = 0 intPos = InStr(strCheck, strFind) FindString = intPos > 0 End Function
save, lalu rename menjadi convert.vbs .
letakan convert.vbs di folder yang sama dengan file backupnya (.nbu) , rename nbu menjadi file.nbu .
open convert.vbs, wait a moment & akan muncul file Output.csv .
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